The Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry (BTW) has signed the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, joining the growing number of private sector companies and associations which have pledged to the principles of the Code (Berlin, Germany, 8-9 October).
The signing, held in the presence of Mr. Ernst Burgbacher, Germany’s Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and Federal Government Commissioner for SMEs and Tourism, entails the commitment of BTW to promote and implement the values of responsible and sustainable tourism development championed by the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics.
“We are pleased that we were able to sign the Global Code of Ethics in the framework of our Tourism Summit, one of the largest and most important industry events in Germany. As a longtime Affiliate Member of UNWTO, the BTW has always been committed to the principles of the Code. The official signing reinforces, once again, this attitude”, said BTW President, Klaus Laepple.
“The endorsement of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics by the tourism private sector in Germany, one of the world’s top tourism markets, is essential to further advance the implementation of the Code,” said UNWTO Executive Director for External Relations and Partnerships, Márcio Favilla, representing UNWTO at the ceremony.
“Germany has traditionally set an example in the field of social responsibility and we are very pleased to see this leadership also in the tourism sector“, he added. UNWTO initiated in 2011 a campaign to promote the adherence of private tourism enterprises and associations to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
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