Egencia®, an Expedia, Inc. company, today unveiled its 2012 Corporate Travel Forecast and Hotel Negotiability Index, finding that airline average ticket prices (ATPs) and hotel average daily rates (ADRs) for top corporate travel destinations will be slightly up overall in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.
After a year of decreased negotiability in 2011, Egencia's Hotel Negotiability Index suggests that corporations will continue to face a weak to moderate negotiating environment in 2012. Additionally, Egencia surveyed more than 250 travel buyers in North America and Europe regarding cost control measures, travel spend, technology trends and overall expectations for 2012.
Based on Egencia's 2012 Global Corporate Travel Forecast, ATPs overall for corporate travelers to top business travel destinations are expected to be:
Slightly up (4%) in North American destinations
Slightly up (4%) in European travel destinations
Slightly to moderately up (6%) in Asia-Pacific destinations
The hotel environment continues to show signs of year-on-year growth relative to increased corporate demand, resulting in improved hotel occupancy worldwide. In key destinations for 2012, Egencia forecasts average daily rate increases in:
North America (up 5%)
Europe (up 2%)
Asia-Pacific (up 7%)
"With the continued, albeit slow, rise of travel demand, increased ATPs and ADRs, reduced overall capacity, and fragile economic outlook, companies are placing an increased focus on mitigating costs and increasing efficiencies when possible," said Mark Hollyhead, Senior Vice President, Egencia Americas. "With this in mind, we are taking every measure to ensure our clients are well informed and leveraging the right tools and technologies to optimize their travel programs and attain maximum cost control."
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