First official presentation of the Czech Republic for the Indian film industry has been organized by CzechTourism and the Czech Film Commission, to open the dialogue and welcome more indian filming projects to the country. The Czech Republic, a central European country often referred to as “the heart of Europe”, entered on Indian market in 2010 to share a glance of the country and its various products from heritage, spa, shopping to MICE, with Indian travellers.
Indian film industry is a significant gateway to showcase the Czech Republic to wider public and to catch the attention of potential clients and visitors to the country. To present the most attractive filming spots in the country, CzechTourism together with the Czech Film Commission has conducted a presentation of the Czech Republic as a filming location for the prominent Indian film productions on 27th of April in Mumbai in JW Marriott. The presentation is the first official action that Czech Authorities undertakes in India in order to open a space for longer collaboration with Indian film industry and to welcome more film projects to the Czech Republic.
“Apart of the cultural and natural heritage, shopping both for leisure and MICE segments, we want to promote the Czech Republic also as an attractive option for film shooting“ said Radka Neumannova, Director of the CzechTourism in Delhi. “I am excited to have the support and cooperation of CzechTourism,” Claussova said. “It shows that the Czech authorities recognize the positive effects that film can have on the country.”
CzechTourism in India will be executing an integrated program of promotional activities to present the Czech Republic as an ideal destination for visitors to Europe. The main objective is to raise awareness about the destination, and to facilitate business relations between Czech and Indian travel trade. CzechTourism office, located in New Delhi, will be coordinating the activities pan-India.
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