Jammu and Kashmir Government on Wednesday maintained that it has no impact on tourist inflow to the mountainous region even ss stand-off between India and China continues over incursions in Ladakh.
However, it maintained that misreporting or exaggerating facts about the situation in the mountainous desert region can have detrimental consequences on tourism. “The incursion by Chinese troops in Ladakh has in no way affected tourism in the region,” Minister for Tourism Ghulam Ahmad Mir told reporters on the sidelines of a function as reported by Greaterkashmir.
“The incursions are confined to a specific area in Ladakh and the issue is being dealt with through diplomatic and military channels between India and China,” Mir said.
Owing to its rugged terrain and monasteries, Ladakh also known as ‘cold desert’ has emerged as a favorite haunt of tourists mostly foreigners. “With the onset of summer, tourism season has picked up in Ladakh. Misreporting or exaggerating the obtaining situation in Ladakh would have detrimental effect on tourist inflow,” Mir said.
The Government on Friday had told a Parliamentary Committee that Chinese troops have pitched tents 19 KMs deep inside the Indian territory in Ladakh region and that measures are underway to ensure that the status quo is maintained. Mir said the State Government is making all efforts to attract more tourists to the State including Ladakh.
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