The Chhattisgarh Tourism Board, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, will be unleashing a new television campaign ‘Full of Surprises' that will go live on screens in the next 10-15 days, says Mr Ashutosh Sharma, Media Consultant to the Board. The Rs 7-crore, 360-degree campaign, which commenced in October with print ads, is focussed on high net worth individuals.
“The State has many tourist offerings which will appeal to travellers with time and money,” says Mr Sharma. The campaign, which focuses on the State's wildlife offerings, history and heritage, has been shaped by research.
Internationally, the State tourism board found that a large proportion of German and British tourists visit India for its wildlife and for historical research. “Based on that research, we focussed on the theme and also on these two countries,” says Mr Sharma.
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