In the first State review of the ongoing Externally Aided Projects in Assam, the state has sought externally aided loans for power, tourism and urban development. A strong request was made by Government of Assam to Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance, Government of India for considering another loan for the power sector (to strengthen the distribution network).
It has also requested the tourism and Urban Development sectors to include other towns like Silchar, Tezpur, Tinsukia and Dhubri. Guwahati and Dibrugarh are the only cities that are currently under Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment.
Assam has so far received close to one billion dollars as loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). However, getting competent contractors to execute the projects efficiently remained the biggest challenge.
The State review discussion was attended by Hun Kim, Country Director, ADB, Puneet Agarwal, Director (ADB), and Government of India besides a host of senior officials from the State Government, Government of India, ADB, World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC) as per a report in ET.
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