From November, Assam is going to have its own version of caravan tourism, a concept that is gaining popularity across the globe where wildlife and contrasting natural landscape is abound. Two modified vehicles are set to roll out in the first phase of its operation. The concept is already in operation in Madhya Pradesh.
Assam Tourism Development Corporation's (ATDC) ambitious caravan tourism project is aimed at drawing both domestic and foreign tourists. With an opportunity to explore and experience two world heritage sites, its rustic beauty, the ethnic diversity, heritage locales and the thriving natural tapestry of Assam while travelling, the initiative is also an attempt to discard several negative cliched impressions and to offer something new.
"Tourism is not governed by negative factors. The negative issues quickly subside. There is not a single place in the world where such things do not happen and memories about such incidents quickly vanish. Travellers seek new avenues to explore and we want to cater to this aspect," said Anurag Singh, ATDC managing director.
Designed on the lines of American Recreational Vehicles (RV), the caravan cars will be equipped with a small kitchen, a toilet, microwave, a freezer, sofa-cum-beds and other amenities. Tourists will be able to rent the cars but the journey won't extend beyond 300km a day to avoid fatigue. One car has been designed especially for a family of four, while the other is equipped with push-back seats that would be able to accommodate eight people.
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