Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels has announced a rebranding exercise of The Park Hotels brand which is India's first boutique hotel brand, .
Apart from creation of a new look the company will remove the word 'Hotel' from its branding. The brand revitalisation exercise has taken more than two years with a cost of about Rs 12 crore.
The rebranding comes at a time when the unlisted company is all set to infuse Rs 1,200 crore into operations to add four more properties to its current portfolio of 12 boutique hotels across India. The investment will be made in the next 4-5 years as per a report in Business Standard.
New properties are set to come up in Kolkata, Pune, Jaipur and Cochin. Kolkata will see the maximum investment of Rs 500 crore followed by Pune with Rs 350 crore. Jaipur and and Cochin will share the balance of investment.
Priya Paul, Chairperson, Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels, said, “As we continue to grow, we realised the need to communicate boldly the strength of our brand. The fresh design language strongly reflects contemporary India and our ethos. It is strikingly bold and captures our personality perfectly.”
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