Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC) is set to launch canopied deluxe boats known as American Pontoon boats at Hussainsagar lake in Hyderabad. According to senior marketing officials of APTDC, trial trips are underway at the moment and the service will be launched in the next two days after finalising the cost for each trip.
The boat has a seating capacity of eight and comes equipped with a music system and a convertible canopy. The fully aluminum luxury boat has been imported from the US and runs on petrol with an Out Boat Motor (OBM). The vehicle is touted to be maintenance free. “We are thinking of 15 minute trips for small groups. People can also hire the boat for an hour or so for a get together. Cold drinks and snacks would be allowed for a small party atmosphere,” said officials.
Introducing the canopied ride is a part of the latest initiatives from the corporation for promoting water tourism in the state. APTDC had previously ordered for nine jet-skis, out of which four have arrived so far. Two scooters have been allotted to Vizag and one each to Suryalanka beach and Hussainsagar lake.
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