The Andhra Pradesh Tourism Department in its effort to offer new tourism and entertainment options to tourists in the State, is planning to construct two world-class underwater tunnel aquariums and marine theme parks at Hyderabad and also at Visakhapatnam. The department is also working on developing a water sports and marine theme park at Nagarjuna Sagar.
All these three major tourism projects are to be developed under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode. While the underwater tunnel aquariums project are estimated at Rs.100 crore each, the proposed water sports facility at Nagarjuna Sagar would be a Rs.250 crore project, a senior official of the department told the Hindu.
Spread over an area of 30 acres, the underwater tunnel aquariums will have an underwater bar and restaurant, indoor sky-diving, musical and laser water fountains, resorts and spa, convention halls, roller-coaster rides, seal stadium, wax museum, dinosaur parks, etc.
The department has identified open lands at Budvel village in Rajendranagar on the outskirts and Yendadanagar and Madhurawada in Visakhpatnam for constructing the aquariums, says Chandana Khan, Special Chief Secretary, Tourism Department.
The government has invited global tenders for taking up the projects and already quite a few companies, including an international company, which developed such a facility at Manila, Philippines have responded, she reveals.
The company representatives had also visited the proposed sites in Budvel and Visakhapatnam and had even conducted a preliminary study about the technical and financial feasibility. A meeting is scheduled to be held with the prospective bidders next week to discuss various issues, adds the official.
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