Amadeus has launched a global competition designed to find innovative ideas that will help transform the travel experience. The competition, which is now live at www.ideasfortravel.amadeus.com, was set-up by Amadeus in order to listen to what the industry believes needs to be improved in terms of the all-round travel experience, recognising that a good idea can come from anywhere.
To ensure industry-wide participation and neutrality, Amadeus is putting together a prestigious judging panel from across the travel industry. Initial confirmed judges include: Andrew Tessler, Senior Economist, Oxford Economics and Mujteba Naqvi, Founder & CEO, Bonvoy Inc. The judging panel will also include members of Amadeus’ senior management.
Ian Wheeler, Vice President Marketing and Distribution, Amadeus said, “We’ve created ‘Brighter, Bolder, Better ideas for travel’ because we genuinely want to listen to what the industry feels can be improved about the travel experience, from beginning to end. At Amadeus we always recognise true innovation and will support the winning idea with 20,000 Euro of our own money in order to help make it become a reality. We are 100 per cent committed to working towards a Brighter, Bolder, Better travel industry more generally and we look forward to the results of the competition being made public mid next year.”
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