Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) day before yesterday held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Bengaluru wherein the new office bearers for next two years were elected.
Ajay Prakash (Former General Secretary) has been elected as President; Capt Promod Kohli (Former Jt. Secretary) as Vice President; Sampath Kumar (Former Committee Member) as National General Secretary; Dharmendra Gursahani (Former Jt. Treasurer) as Treasurer.
While the new Committee Members include: A. Basheer Ahmed, Former Chairman, TAFI Tamil Nadu Chapter; Chitra Bhatia, Committee member; Vasuki Kalyanasundaram, Chairperson, TAFI Western region Chapter; Rani Bachani, Chairperson, TAFI Kerala Chapter; Kamal Ramchand, Former Chairman- TAFI Western region Chapter; Pradip Lulla - Immediate Past President.