TRAVEL AGENTS FEDERATION OF INDIA takes pride in announcing that Mr. Ajay Prakash, President of TAFI has been appointed as Dy. Chairman, World Travel Agents Associations Alliance. (WTAAA).
At the recently concluded Annual General Assembly of WTAAA, in Sydney, Australia, Mr. Peter Barlow, President of the Travel Agents Association of New Zealand [TAANZ] was unanimously elected as the New Chairman and Mr. Ajay Prakash, President of Travel Agents Federation of India [TAFI] as Deputy Chairman. As the outgoing Chairman and founding member of WTAAA, Mr. Mike Hatton was unanimously awarded life membership in recognition of his services to the Association.
WTAAA is the major agency representative body which accounts for almost 70% of global airline sales proceeds through the airline Billing and Settlement plan [BSP]. WTAAA also facilitates the major Travel Associations of countries across the world namely ASTA, AFTA, ECTAA, ACTA, ASATA, TAANZ and TAFI to speak in one voice globally.