In a move which is eco-friendly as well as of huge convinience to the air passengers, airport security will now allow paperless entry into Airport terminal.
A release by the Indian government’s Bureau of Civil Aviation Security says: “Now passengers are allowed on the basis of soft copy/image of e-tickets in smart phones, tablet PCs or laptops for gaining access into the terminal building. The image of the e-ticket produced by the passenger on electronic device should be the same as (that) issued by the aircraft operators. SMS or partial information pertaining to the ticket shall not entitle the passenger to gain access to Terminal. Passengers concerned shall produce a valid photo identity document (passport in case of foreign nationals) before being allowed to enter the Terminal Building….”
This removes a major hassle for passengers ever since airlines facilitated passengers to book and pay for tickets on the Internet, even from mobile phones. This was great for last minute travel decisions, often en route to the airport.
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