Aarey Milk Colony located in Goregaon East, a suburb of Mumbai will be soon turned into a tourism zone as the Maharashtra dairy development department is keen to develop an entertainment zone, dairy institute, aquarium and other major attractions to make it more accessible and attractive to the public. According to the plan, various features would be developed on 500 acres of the vast green expanse.
Under an entertainment zone, a roller-coaster, merry-go-round, Bollywood-style studio and so on will be set up. A dairy institute on the other hand would be set up on 25 acres where tourists would be able to see how milk and other dairy products are produced. In addition, there would also be a model adivasi settlement, an underground aquarium (using a natural pond), parks and open spaces.
Though the financial aspects have not yet been worked out, the makeover plan would need the state cabinet's approval to become a reality.
"The blueprint aims to protect the natural biodiversity as well as allow people to enjoy one of Mumbai's most scenic places, Dairy development minister Nitin Raut said.
Aarey Milk Colony that makes a perfect weekend getaway for tourists currently comprises milk plants, gardens, a nursery and a lake in the vicinity.