The ATOAI annual Adventure awards are the highlight of the convention every year. The awards are recognition for the best achievements in adventure travel keeping alive the spirit of adventure that brought all into this industry. It is not only a celebration of what has been achieved so far by individuals and/or organizations, but also an inspiration for what can be done in the future.
The Adventure Tour Operators Association of India (ATOAI) is inviting nominations for its prestigious awards during the forthcoming Convention in Guwahati on January 20-22, 2013.
According to Tejbir Singh Anand, President “By holding these Adventure Tourism Awards we want to reward and highlight the individuals and businesses in the adventure travel field who have contributed greatly in the promotion of adventure tourism in India. We also want to encourage others to get inspired by the achievements of their fellow colleagues in the trade and create new benchmarks for the future generations”.
ATOAI team has a regular selection system for the awards were a special 3 member jury is appointed to go through the applications and select the winners based on the parameters and criteria listed. The award committee has three independent jury members. One of the jury is an adventurer, second a former Secretary level government official and third a renowned face of the industry.
The award categories are as listed below:
By Executive Committee Nomination
1. President's Award for significant contribution to Adventure Tourism
2. Life Time Achievement Award
3. Hall of Fame
4. Award of Excellence for Adventurer of the Year
5. Award of Excellence for Adventure Friendly State
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