From the world-famous Twelve Apostles to the luxurious pampering houses in Daylesford, Hosted Buyers attending the Asia-Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo (AIME) next February will be spoiled for choice on the ever-popular pre touring program, which includes five new additions announced today.
Designed to showcase regional Victoria’s premier business events destinations and facilities to event planners prior to their attendance at AIME, Hosted Buyers can select from 15 different pre tour programs in total in 2013, with new tours as follows:
Daylesford and Macedon Ranges Victoria’s home of indulgence is an easy 90-minute drive from Melbourne and boasts the highest concentration of mineral springs in Australia.
This pre tour will showcase the region’s premier conference facilities which double as spa retreats. Mildura The striking contrast of cosmopolitan Mildura from the surrounding landscape of desert and lush farmland make it a unique conference destination.
Hosted Buyers will explore the region’s historic venues which enjoy close proximity to the mighty Murray River. Gippsland Gippsland offers unspoilt beaches and majestic mountain ranges all within range of state-of-the-art performing arts centres and large-scale conference facilities.
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