The organisers of the 20th anniversary Asia-Pacific Meetings & Incentives Expo (AIME), which opens today at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), are expecting a successful two-day event with preliminary figures looking positive.
With more than 500 Hosted Buyers set to attend AIME 2012, organisers are expecting at least a 15% increase compared to 2011 and 51% of these buyers will be new to AIME in 2012.
Sally de Swart, Reed Travel Exhibitions (RTE) Director for AIME, said that this is a good result for the show and great news for exhibitors who regularly attend AIME.
“We have a number of exhibitors who return to AIME year after year and it is important for them to establish new contacts and renew their ongoing relationships. The overall numbers are strong and we are pleased that we have brought so many new Hosted Buyers to AIME 2012,” Ms de Swart said.
Figures released yesterday are positive with 3736 pre-registered visitors set to attend AIME 2012 which will be an increase on last year’s figures.
Ms de Swart said that while the numbers are impressive it is too early to tell what the final results will be and reminded exhibitors to make sure they reach out to visitors and make the most of all opportunities to establish new contacts at AIME.
“These figures are preliminary, but we are expecting a good turnout of quality visitors. AIME is a busy time for all exhibitors but I would recommend remaining open and aware of visitors on the show floor because a valuable contact may drop by your stand at anytime,” she said.
“This year we have added the Exhibitor Networking Drinks to the Tuesday afternoon program and this is another good opportunity for exhibitors to mix with buyers and visitors in a more relaxed atmosphere.”
779 exhibitors are booked to attend AIME 2012 and the show floor will be larger, taking up 5,778 m². There are 206 new exhibitors this year including big brand names such as Marriott Hotels and American Express Meetings and Events.
Sally de Swart said that she is looking forward to a successful event and expects the show floor to be buzzing throughout the two-day show.
AIME, which is owned by the Melbourne Convention + Visitors Bureau (MCVB) and run by RTE, will take place on the 21 and 22 February 2012 at the MCEC.
For more information about visiting AIME 2012, visit www.aime.com.au