After the government carried out the feasibility study for 33 idle (Non-operational) small airports of Airports Authority of India (AAI) for development/operationalization through an agency RITES India, 13 of these small airports of AAI were recommended for developement/operationalization. The names of the airports are: Akola, Solapur (Maharashtra), Vellore (Tamil Nadu), Mysore(Karnataka), Warangal, Cuddupah (Andhra Pradesh), Chakulia(Jharkhand), Malda (West Bengal), Jharsuguda (Orissa), Tezu, Passighat (Arunchal Pradesh), Rupsi (Assam) and Kamalpur (Tripura).
Mysore Airport has already been operationalized for ATR-72 type of aircrafts in May, 2010. Work for operationalization of Cuddapah Airport for ATR-72 and Tezu Airport is scheduled for completion by September, 2011 and December, 2012 respectively.
For development of Pasighat Airport, AAI has already granted working permission to Ministry of Defence by Indian Air Force.
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