A recent report on the economic spin-off of a liberal visa regime asks an existential question of Indians. Why do we keep ignoring a low hanging fruit that would simultaneously answer many economic and social challenges and instead, pursue grandiose schemes?
A liberal visa regime could boost tourism and earn India $36 billion by 2020, says a report by World Tourism Organisation and World Travel and Tourism Council. It's a sensible suggestion and must be followed as India's potential to tap into this industry is enormous. So far, it has failed to do so. Tourist arrivals prove it. Tiny Singapore had about 14.4 million tourist arrivals last year as against 6.65 million in India.
India's rich heritage and geographical diversity present perfect initial conditions to draw in tourists. This must be supplemented with an improvement in infrastructure and a clever tax regime. The result will be a boost for the economy and many new jobs oriented towards the young and women.
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