Wild Asia has announced the Winners of their 2012 Responsible Tourism Awards. Each year, Wild Asia invites tourism operators from across Asia to enter their awards.
Judged by a team of industry professionals and experts, the application process is based upon the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s Criteria.
This year, there were five unique awards up for grabs. All the Finalists have demonstrated excellence in various areas of sustainability and are embracing exemplary practices in tourism.
Best in Community Engagement and Development - This award recognizes exceptional commitment to supporting the local community and economy in which the business operates.
Soria Moria Boutique Hotel, Cambodia (WINNER) – As the first employee-owned hotel in Cambodia, Soria Moria works closely with various local charities and organizations on a grassroots level, and facilitates vocational training and a higher education program to empower locals. “I am extremely happy and very very proud of the whole Soria Moria Team for everything we have achieved. I would like to extend our sincere Thank you, Awkun Ch’ran, Tusen Takk, to you and the entire Wild Asia Team and all the judges for this recognition.
It’s a real honor for us” Kristin Holdo Hansen,
Founder and Sustainability Adviser Agri Tourism, India (Finalist) Agri Tourism’s goals are to develop and promote agricultural tourism as a potential vehicle for diversifying and stabilizing rural economies by creating jobs, increasing community income, and attracting tourists to the area. Through their projects, training, and support, farmers benefit from the development of tourism and the income to improve their livelihoods.
Best in Cultural Preservation - This award recognizes engagement and efforts by tourism businesses in preserving, enhancing and promoting local cultures and heritage. Agri Tourism, India (WINNER) – Agri Tourism is successfully reconnecting urban Indians to their rural roots.
Their mission to diversify farms by introducing tourism is benefitting local livelihoods and keeping farming heritage alive. By providing exciting opportunities for sustainable secondary income, this project is preventing urban migration and protecting traditional village life.
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