India Trade Promotion Organisation, Govt. of India, is organizing national level participation at the forthcoming 11th SAARC Trade Fair & Tourism Mart at Dhaka, Bangladesh from March 30 to April 01, 2012.
Bangladesh market shows a great potential for Tourism - thanks to the rapidly developing economy of Bangladesh, which has witnessed rapid growth in the last few years & has seen higher levels of disposable income. Bangladesh is a market-based economy. It was ranked as the 43rd largest economy in the world in 2010 (PPP terms). The economy has grown at the rate of 6-7% p.a. over the past few years. Sound financial control and regulations have also contributed to its growth.
Remittances from overseas and exports of garments and textiles are the main sources of foreign exchange earning. The infrastructure to support transportation, communications, power supply and water distribution are developing rapidly. Recently there have been huge developments in gas and coal mining. The service sector has expanded rapidly during last two decades and the country's industrial base remains very positive.
Hence, companies like tourism corporations, travel agencies, tour operators, Airlines, Art & Heritage Centers, Golf Courses, Health Spas and Beach Resorts, Holiday Camps, Hotels & Restaurants, IT service suppliers for tourism industry, etc. can expect good business opportunities at the show.
Stalls of 9 sq.mtrs. are available with standard furniture items/display aids viz. adequate light, power connection, facia, one table, two chairs, waste paper basket for each stall. Additional display requirements over and above this package can be provided to exhibitors on payment basis. The participants will be responsible for transporting their exhibits directly. However, they are advised to ensure that their exhibits do not fall in the category of banned/restricted items in Bangladesh. The list of banned/restricted items in Bangladesh can be checked from the website along with applicable Customs duties for different product categories.
Actual participation fee is being worked out, meanwhile exhibitors may forward an advance of Rs. 49,500 is payable for a 9 sqm stall, which will be adjusted against the actual fee, when the same is finalized shortly. Below is the contact details for booking the stall at the exhibition under the ITPO pavillion.
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